The GardenWorks Project wants to make food growing easy and accessible for all. Save the dates for our upcoming trainings, workshops, and volunteer events.
Herbology Glendale Heights Park District
December 2024. Signup for our monthly email newsletter and follow us on social media for event announcements.
Learn about more volunteer opportunities at our volunteer page.
To stay up to date on upcoming events near you, please sign up for our newsletter.
Archive of Past Events
FGN Open House and Class
Composting and Reducing Food Waste Learn how to build a sustainable solution in your backyard with a compost pile this year!
Volunteer Kickoff Meeting
GardenWorks Volunteer Kickoff 2023 Volunteer with The GardenWorks Project this spring, and participate in a growing movement as we work together to improve food security!
FGN class: Water Conservation in the Garden
Food Growers Network Class: Water Conservation in the Garden GardenWorks Project, will give tips on ways to conserve water and care for the environment with simple DIY projects.
Free Educational Workshop: Container & Indoor Gardening
EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOP: CONTAINER & INDOOR GARDENING Extend your food growing season through the winter and enjoy the nutritious benefits of microgreens and sprouts. Join us at Barn Owl Garden Center in Carol Stream for a FREE event offering tips and resources on edible growing indoors. From 6:00 – 7:30 p.m., The GardenWorks Project’s Programs Manager, […]
GardenBuild Spring Build Volunteer Events May-August 2023
2023 DuPage Fairgrounds Garden Volunteer
Seedling Sale, May 19
Purchase your vegetable seedlings this year and support a great cause that is working to improve the local food system within the region. Every dollar spent will support The GardenWorks Project’s 2023 home gardens, providing the resources and materials needed to create more food access for those facing food insecurity and hunger. To visit our […]
Seedling Sale, May 20
Purchase your vegetable seedlings this year and support a great cause that is working to improve the local food system within the region. Every dollar spent will support The GardenWorks Project’s 2023 home gardens, providing the resources and materials needed to create more food access for those facing food insecurity and hunger. To visit our […]
Fall Seedling Sale, August 18
Purchase your FALL vegetable seedlings this year and support a great cause that is working to improve the local food system within the region. Every dollar spent will support The GardenWorks Project’s 2023 home gardens, providing the resources and materials needed to create more food access for those facing food insecurity and hunger. To visit […]
Seedling Sale, August 19
Purchase your FALL vegetable seedlings this year and support a great cause that is working to improve the local food system within the region. Every dollar spent will support The GardenWorks Project’s 2023 home gardens, providing the resources and materials needed to create more food access for those facing food insecurity and hunger. To visit […]
Garden Lead Training 2023
Our 2023 GardenLead Training will equip our volunteer leadership team with the tools and resources to support our families in their journey of growing, eating, and sharing produce. This training is for our GardenLeads only, but if you are interested in being a lead in the future, please contact Amanda Bryant at amanda.bryant@gardenworksproject.org.