
Farm-Pantry Partnerships

Harvesting Excess Produce for Local Pantries

everyone deserves fresh produce

The GardenWorks Project has partnered with several local farms to harvest excess produce and recover potential food waste.

In 2024, GardenWorks staff members collected more than 1,500 pounds of fresh produce, thanks to the generosity of Nichols Farm & Orchard and Stojan Family Farm. Through weekly visits to the Elmhurst and Winfield Farmers Markets, fresh fruits and vegetables were gathered and delivered to the College of DuPage Student Fuel Pantry and the Bensenville Public Library, providing nutritious food to the community. GardenWorks tracks donation weights using the Fresh Food Connect app, ensuring accurate reporting and impact measurement.

Stojan’s Vegetables

“I invited the GardenWorks team to glean some of our excess produce, as they show enthusiasm to work together, and they have a wonderful mission in helping benefit those struggling to make ends meet, or don’t have the opportunity to receive local produce. The Stojan family feels blessed that this excess produce benefits others and thus less food waste as well.”

Mighty Greens Farm

“Carlos and I have always talked about community and staying hyper-local… so we’re going to the farmer market and talking to people, going to the Arlington Heights drop-off, the Batavia market, and having people pick-up on the farm on Saturdays…and it builds a bit of connection. We say, ‘come and experience the farm,’ and that goes for anyone that wants to experience Mighty Greens.”

“We work based on a devotion to the fact that we could leave this planet better off than we found it (as sustainable farmers)… If you want to have a relationship with with your food, you need to know where it comes from. How could you not want to eat something with [known] production vs. something where you have no idea where it comes from, who grew it, what it is?”

Nourishing Our Community: Nichols Farm and Orchard
Nourishing Our Community: Nichols Farm and Orchard
Nourishing Our Community: Stojan's Vegetables
Nourishing Our Community: Stojan’s Vegetables
Nourishing Our Community: Mighty Greens Farm
Nourishing Our Community: Mighty Greens Farm

Stayed tuned for further farm and farmers’ market partnerships in 2023!

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